Healthy eating, the relationship to food, the body image, and obesity are the topics currently being addressed by health care providers, psychologists, politics, epidemiologists and economists.
The obesity epidemic has not been ceased in any country in the world, despite the huge amount of resources (both financial and other) being invested in tackling it. The prevailing trend of industrially processed foods consumption also has not yet been reversed. In addition to the health consequences, diet and obesity have major impacts on the quality of life and health of the individual and society as a whole. It is not desirable to postpone intervention, which is why researchers are focusing their attention on the eating habits of the youngest generation.
This expert book written by psychologists from Palacký University Olomouc provides a comprehensive view of this issue and attempts not only to describe the current situation based on unique research focusing on the entire age spectrum of adolescence. The book covers topics such as body image and the influence of the media that promote a thin ideal of beauty, and comprehensively describes obesity, physical activity and how to approach research in these areas, including the choice of appropriate diagnostic methods. The book is based on the latest international literature and contributes to prevention and intervention activities. It is a quality resource for anyone who encounters adolescents (not only) who overeat, struggle with obesity, suffer from an eating disorder, are troubled by their relationship with their bodies, or otherwise struggle with their relationship with food.
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- Create Date February 15, 2022
- Last Updated September 23, 2024